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Graffiti by Beni’z

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Hey Beni’z, Thanks for agreeing to speak with us here at BeBad.UK Can you start by telling our audience a bit about yourself ??

Hey, sure! 

Where do you live ??

I live in north Italy, in a small town not far away from Turin.

How old are you ??

25 years old.

How long have you been doing Street Art / Graffiti Writing ??

It’s been 11 years now since I started.

Can you tell us how you came up with the Name Beni’z ??

I started by writing Benji’s cause of my second name is Benjamin, but with the time I felt the need to change the name from 6 to 5 letters cause of the structure of my pieces. So I took away the letter “j” and I placed the “Z” at the end cause it’s a letter that I really like.

It’s been a crazy 12 months!  How are things in your country now ??

Yeah you are right! Actually things aren’t going really well  cause we are in a kind of quarantine from a while and the possibility to get back to a kind of normal situation looks still far, but I guess it’s kinda the same in many places unfortunately.  

How has the pandemic affected Street Art / Graffiti Crews in Italy ??

I guess that there are positive and negative things , sure the fact that we aren’t really free to move to bigger cities for graffiti jams and to meet other writers it’s a negative one.But probably the positive one is that there ain’t that many people around and writer can easily paint spots where usually there’s a lot people passing.

We love your style and the uniqueness of your work – can you share some of your fav pics and tell us a bit more about the images and how you made them ??

Thank you so much! Ok then, pic number one is my first abc I did on a wall and I’m really happy about it cause it was a while I wanted to do one but I never found the right spot and the right wall.

Pic number two is a piece I did in an abandoned spot ( like I usually do ) and I was happy about it cause at the end looked like an old school graff in a sort of a frame.

Pic number 3 is a really lil’ piece I did on a wall that was half broken and I had so much fun by trying to use the space making the letters fitting there.

Who do you admire ??

There so many writers and artists I admire that is impossible to make a list.

Where do you get inspiration from ?? 

Streets 😉

What music do you listen to – favourite artists ??

I usually listen to old school Hiphop and Rap and I like almost all the artists of this genre . Biggie , Gangstarr and A Tribe Called Quest are my daily bread.

We are a new start up fashion brand here in the UK, what fashion brands do you wear ??

I like all the street clothes brand! 

Nike or Adidas. ??


Spray Can or Gel Pens ??

Spray Cans! 

Thanks so much for working with us on The BeBad Graffiti Collaboration – we absolutely love your design.If you have anything else to say or want to share just put it below.

“Grazie Mille”

Grazie mille a te! 

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